The Bard From Ballarat
What started as a single collection of poems and photos in 2013 has grown to a catalog of collections of poetry both with and without photos, spoken word cd’s, being included in anthologies of poems featuring poets from around the world, and wearable poetry, with a unique line of Tshirts.

Volume One

Volume Two

You can keep up to date with all the latest from The Bard from Ballarat on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and LBRY.
Purchase books from your local retailer or online.
Some Shorter than Others
Some Shorter than Others was the debut collection of short stories for the young and young at heart from Neville Hiatt. Officially released late 2014, it was translated into Spanish, Portuguese, German, and Italian in 2015.

It was a project of survival for someone who was medically retired at the time. Being cognitive enough to produce the stories to the level they got to is something he will always be proud of. The ability of the illustrator to capture the heart of his stories was as encouraging as the feedback from readers near and far.
More short stories are continuing to be written for a future release.

You can keep up to date with all the latest from Some Shorter than Others on Facebook and watch all the book trailers here.
Purchase books from your local retailer or online.
Published in
Senior Writer and Editor for Press Service International 2018-2023 – Multiple articles ranked in the Most Popular and Hot News lists.
The Eighteen Point Five Paper Back – An Anthology of 25 stories
Janet gone too soon 2016
World Healing World Peace 2016
Aussie Words of Wisdom 2015 & 2016 Editions
Poetry Pathways 2015 Anthology
The Year of the Poet 2014 November & 2015 December Anthologies Blog Fathers Day 2014
Moments in Time 2014 Memoir Anthology

Works yet to be published
A number of works of fiction are in various stages of completion to be released in the years ahead.