A new blog post, free book giveaway, short film festival and new short story 2

Only one week left till the end of the financial year at the end of the month in Australia which also means you only have a week left to check out Retrospective.


I realised in working on a speech I’ve been asked to give about my life that this is actually my 30th exhibition. It surprised me that it was that many when I counted all the solo and group exhibitions I’ve had work in over the last few years.


If you’ve missed some of my updates earlier this year you may not know my story along with others is being collated into a book set to be published soon.

As part of this project if you register your interest early you will automatically enter the random draw to win one of five copies of the book.

The organisers of the project have also put together a short film which you can watch and vote on here. A win would be a great boost for the success of this project.

I also have a blog post on the site if you ever wondered what it is like to be an author here are a few of my thoughts.


There’s only a couple of days left for you to vote for my latest short story. Which one is it? You’ll find out by the end of the week if it wins, if it doesn’t it may forever remain a mystery.


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2 thoughts on “A new blog post, free book giveaway, short film festival and new short story