Tuesday Tunes 48

Last week I realised something I should have realised last year. However as much as I never realised my error, no one else has pointed it out in the last six months either. I don’t know where I’d got it into my head that two songs a week for 52 weeks of the year equaled 126 songs instead of 104.

Have you checked out todays new music lyric videos from “Chill”?

“Praise Him” originally released on Endless Refrain’s album “2024.01” is the third video to be released from “Chill” featuring 8 reimaged versions of previously released songs.

For all the ways to listen check out Endless Refrain’s website or watch below, don’t forget to like it, and leave a comment, and share it to help others discover it.

His Anthem originally released on Endless Refrain’s album “2024.02” is the fourth video to be released from “Chill” featuring 8 reimaged versions of previously released songs.

For all the ways to listen check out Endless Refrain’s website or watch below, don’t forget to like it, and leave a comment, and share it to help others discover it.

The full album is scheduled to release on Friday on all the streaming platforms. A day earlier for existing collectors on Sound.xyz. The next two videos will premiere on the 18th, with the final two on the 25th.

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