Apologies for this one being late. It was a big week of working on songs for 2025, add in physio, pain, insomnia, Christmas, summer, life and well here it finally is.
This week included receiving some very touching feedback from someone on YouTube.

I knew some radio stations how been downloading the songs and playing them but no stats beyond that. It was memorable to not only read that one of the songs had connected with someone but that they went to the effort to leave a comment. If there is a song that has connected with you this year, leave a comment and let the artist know, it’s a great source of encouragement.
This weeks releases were both written for Endless Refrain’s “We Made It” album. The album is now available on streaming platforms. You don’t have to wait till the final videos release next week to hear them all.
“The OK Christmas Song” started life years ago. I found it’s origins while looking for something else I’d written and it didn’t take much to craft it into what has been released.
For all the ways to listen to “The OK Christmas Song” check out Endless Refrain’s website or watch below, don’t forget to like it, and leave a comment, and share it, to help others discover it.
“Christmas Pudding Hips” is a brand new love song and it was fun tweaking the lyrics as story in the song progresses.
For all the ways to listen to “Christmas Pudding Hips” check out Endless Refrain’s website or watch below, don’t forget to like it, and leave a comment, and share it, to help others discover it.
Next week the vidoes I created for “Till Next Christmas” and “Act Two” premiere on Christmas Eve. Breaking with the Tuesday release schedule, on Christmas Day the videos for “C.H.R.I.S.T.M.A.S.” and “Summer Snowflakes” premiere.
Have a wonderful Christmas and New Years.
Next year the current release schedule for Endless Refrain is an album for Easter, Valentine’s Day, and Christmas.