This year I have again selected photographs from throughout the year for a master collection. These calendars once again won’t be for sale. Though if you fall in love with one of the images they will be available as a limited edition wall print and NFT. If you weren’t following my work last year, I give away the master collection calendars to those who have supported me, my art, and sometimes lucky collectors. There are never enough to give one to everyone who has helped me smile these past 12 months. In some ways selecting those who will get one each year can be harder than selecting the photographs that go in it. It’s one way I can give back with some priceless artwork.

January – A couple of ducklings sunning themselves in between swimming lessons.
February – My favourite version of this flower floating in the water at the Ballarat Botanical Gardens. See Four Seasons Spring June for another shot from the same day.
March – This echidna foraging for sustenance among the bright pink daisy flowers of the Australian native pigface is my personal favourite. See 2023 Four Seasons Spring July for an alternate shot.
April – I don’t think this cockatoo was impressed to be photobombed by a rainbow lorikeet.
May – I purchased a photograph I fell in love with a few years ago of kookaburra looking a lot like this one.
June – If you have seen the other rainbow lorikeet photographs in the 2023 Four Seasons collection you can appreciate the difficult task I faced choosing my favourite.
July – They may look cute and cuddly but they are wild animals and I’m grateful for a zoom lens enabling me to capture shots like this one.
August – Another cute and cuddly looking animal that has a set of teeth under their soft fluffy exterior.
September – The grace in which a pelican flies for such a large bird amazes me. Capturing this one landing made for an even better day behind the camera.
October – There are two other photographs of a joey kangaroo in it’s mothers pouch featured in my 2023 Four Seasons collection. This is the one I chose for this years Master Collection.
November – I shot way too many images of this juvenile pacific gull. They are a rare sighting and I am quite fond of them. I hope you find as much enjoyment in this image as I did watching it play with the feather.
December – See 2023 Four Seasons Summer December for a different interpretation of this view. The solitude of this image is what separated it from the other one for me, elevating it to be included as the final image of my 2023 Master Collection.

Printed in regional Victoria, Australia on 250gsm satin paper.
If you want to see them as I did for the first time when they arrived from the printers enjoy this unboxing video.
2023 The Master Collection cards and wall prints are available while stock lasts.