It’s hard to believe that it’s already been 5 years since my last poetry compilation 52 : The Bard from Ballarat was published. Due to various factors, I didn’t do much with this book after it was launched.
During the lockdown, I saw an advertisement for software to create blackboard videos. It was on sale, I thought let’s do something with all those poems from 52. The writing on the cover of the book was designed to look like chalk on a blackboard.
Unfortunately, the plan didn’t go as smoothly as envisaged as the software ended up being online only. A problem when I had been using my monthly data allowance more rapidly than usual with all the extra video meetings. Then there was the issue of recording the audio at a better quality than my phone or computer would allow. Thankfully a singing teacher helped me out with a loan of her microphone.
As usual, a few small hiccups wouldn’t stop me so here is the very first poem from 52 : The Bard from Ballarat by Neville Hiatt.
If you want to watch on a censorship-free platform then click here
Thanks to fellow Australian Naomi Brockwell for being one of the many I’ve seen informing others about the alternatives to youtube.
If you want to watch it on youtube here you go.
Freedom 2015 may have been written 5 years ago but with all that has happened this year so far, it feels like I could have written it this year.
With 52 poems in the book, the plan is to release a new video each week. You will be able to watch them on LBRY before they premiere on YouTube.
Hopefully next year the originally planned follow up collection 126 will be published. Comments either here or on the video are welcome.