Censorship in 2020

I experienced the current level of online censorship first hand on Saturday when I tried to post a link to https://youtu.be/MY8Nfzcn1qQ on twitter. I couldn’t post the link as a reply or as a new tweet.

I could post a new tweet or reply without the link. An alternative link to the same video on another channel https://youtu.be/0wTiCxXgrJw twitter had no issue with. The only logical conclusion was it was censoring the official link. If you haven’t watched Out of Shadows yet, do it while you still can. It may help you understand what’s happening in our world today.

I should have written this post long before now. Please accept my apology for not doing so. I haven’t been completely quiet, I did have an article published in June http://christiantoday.com.au/news/are-we-there-yet-1.html highlighting in a creative way some of the things that have happened this year.

So far my own personal existence hasn’t been affected too much. With friends around the world, I’ve been a first-hand witness to how some of the different governments measures have affected their lives. From breaking down in the middle of a conversation and crying uncontrollably, increased substance usage, and two separate suicide attempts one by an adult and one by a child. The toll of the suffering due to the lockdown measures is increasing.

With the Victorian goverment moving from a state of emergency to a state of disaster I can no longer remain as silent as I have been.

With doctors like the American Frontline Doctors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cR3O_82yP6o speaking out and being censored it’s time, I stop saying I should speak up more and actually do so.

With Dr. Harvey Risch, an epidemiology professor at Yale School of Public Health, saying that he thinks hydroxychloroquine could save 75,000 to 100,000 lives in USA if the drug is widely used to treat coronavirus, why is the Victorian government restricting its usage?

Why aren’t they giving it out freely to everyone? A drug that is safe if given in the recommended low dosage. A drug which is already available and has already been used for decades and is cheap. We don’t need to spend billions on a new vaccine.

Why is facebook removing a registered doctors stats from his practice? Why can we no longer have healthy discussions about things?

Brian C. Procter MD


Well Facebook just banned me, a Board Certified Family Physician with 23+ years of experience and independent thinker, for 3 more days for exercising my first amendment rights concerning my educated opinion and posting my Stat Board which gives hope to humanity!!

We already know of the dramatic increase in suicide and those using mental health services. We already know of the increase in substance abuse and the increase in spouse and child abuse. Yet the Victorian government continues to increase the lockdown measures which will only make these situations even worse.

With so much science available questioning social distancing, mask wearing and lockdowns it’s like living in a movie. Yet if I was to have read this movie script last year I would have said it was unbelievable.

As someone who used to write and read the news to the general public, I am aghast at the scaremongering by those with the highest profile voices. I don’t watch the news but I did the other night and I lost count of how many times the word crises was used in the 30 min news bulletin. How different would you feel if the headlines only highlighted the number of sick people instead of the number cases? How different would the narrative be if the numbers of cases were contextualized by the number of tests? How different might you feel if along with the covid death toll those numbers were given in the context of all the other things everyone else died from that day?

So if you are reading this and are feeling alone or like it’s all getting to much please reach out to someone. Reach out to me if you have no one else. As long as I remain able to reply I will. Do not give up.

If you are reading this and feel like you are beating your head against a brick wall trying to share information that the mainstream media and tech companies are suppressing you are not alone. Do not give up.

Whatever your viewpoint on what is happening around the world right now turn off the incessant updates it’s not helping you.

Never stop searching for the truth.

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