I’ve been reminiscing these last few days on all that has transpired since the launch of Some Shorter than Others. It was just over 6 months ago yet so much has happened in that time. I feel so privileged to have met so many wonderful people along the way.
My wonderful illustrator has already commissioned herself to do my next book which I’m hoping to have out next year. In the meantime the Spanish translation of Some Shorter than Others is being released next month, with another two translations still being worked on.
One of the things about releasing this book that has meant the most to me is the connections others have had with it. One of the early reviews from the spanish translation is ” El Delfín Azul me recordó de mis abuelos. El amor verdadero no conoce tiempo, ni distancia. Es mi historia favorita…” which translates to “The Blue Dolphin reminds me of my grandparents. True love knows no time, or distance. It’s my favorite story.” from Michael in the USA.
It’s moments like that, when I hear what one of my stories has meant to someone else that eases the feeling of isolation that I feel by being at home so much. I miss the routine and interactions of working in a traditional job. I’m also well aware though that if the accident didn’t happen I probably would be still so busy working that half of these stories would possibly never have been put down on paper. So thank you to everyone who has shared a moment with me as part of this book, it’s been a wonderful journey so far and I’m excited about where this next chapter will go.
Funny how life takes unexpected turns. Sometimes they work out better than expected 🙂