10, double digits. I feel a sense of achievement having kept this series going thus far. Not too much feedback so far but I’m not writing for the feedback so whether I get any or not I’ll keep honing my craft and sharing my journey with you along the way.
Creating videos is a lot more time consuming than only sharing the text but I’m loving being creative. On this weeks record on the A Side is “Loved by the Divine” and on the B Side “I cried”. Let me know in the comments below which one resonates with you the most.
If I’m able to keep creating two videos a week I plan to premiere the track from the A side of the record at 7am and the track from the B side at 7pm AEST. Make sure you are subscribed to my channel so you get notified of the new videos. Leave a comment and like them to help others find them.
Which of the previous Tuesday Tunes blog posts that were only text would you like to see and hear as a video? You might be able to watch next weeks videos a day early so make sure you are subscribed.