Despite entering all year long it took till the final flash fiction competition last year to win my first one. It just happened to be the major end of year one named after a former Ballarat Writers member who in the last years of her life entered the monthly competition with regularity and almost as regularly won each month. Having been awarded the prize named after one that set such a high standard I started this year with a renewed vigor to craft the best story I was capable of each month, and submit before the entry deadline. Thanks to your votes my hard work has paid off these last 3 months receiving the most votes to win 3 in row.
June is a new month, a new key phrase, a new genre and a new word limit.
I woke at 4am one morning earlier in the month with this story idea and unlike most times where I’m like oh I’ll just remember it in the morning which I usually don’t I wrote this one down.
The parameters this month were
Prompt: Include the sentence, “You’re an Idiot”
Genre: Drama
Word count: 100-110
So the authors have done their part now it’s up to you read the 6 entries and vote for your favourite at the end of the 6th story.
Will my story be voted no1 again this month?
I’ll let you know after the winner is announced at the monthly Ballarat Writers members night on Wednesday.
p.s. The ideas and intricate details for Journeys III continue to mull over in my head even if I’m physically not up to start shooting it yet.
Thanks for that, Neville. I’ve read the six entries and voted. It’s amazing how much of a story people can get across with such a short word limit. Good luck.
thanks Nola, it’s an interesting challenge each month to get a beginning a middle and an end into the specified word count.
Congrats on your 3 wins Neville All the best for this week. I’ve read & voted.
Thanks Jeanette, we’ll all find out soon who got the most votes this month, and then what the parameters are for July ..