It doesn’t seem like it’s been 6 years since I exhibited as part of the Ballarat International Foto Biennale, but it has been. I thought I missed out on entering this years as I didn’t apply as soon as applications opened, however, I have now been accepted. They emailed a few vacancies last month and thankfully I was able to get an application in this time.
As part the 2015 BIFB I released my Journeys Series which then led to Journeys II for the Immerse Exhibition in Melbourne in 2016. I wish I could tell you that Journeys III will be debuted at this years BIFB but alas I do not feel up to the task. I’ve had the ideas for Journey III and Journeys IV rattling around in my head for way too long but they will have to stay there a while longer. As soon as I’m able to invest enough of myself to bring those series to you I will do so.
I’ve set myself the goal of having my Four Seasons 2022 collection ready for this years BIFB. Shooting for next year’s collection wasn’t scheduled to end until the end of Winter, being the end of August in Australia. The BIFB starts the last weekend in August so I’m going to have to finish shooting the Winter collection well before then to allow enough time to edit and print them. If I have a few shooting days as good as one I had this week that should be doable.
If you are not yet familiar with my Four Seasons collection at the end of each year I release 4 Limited Edition Calendars, one from each season. The photo’s in each calendar have been shot during that season, and I won’t use photographs from previous years. It is a manageable goal for me to end up with 13 photographs (12 months and the front cover) that are the best I was able to shoot in those 3 months.
Since the accident in 2008, photography has become for me something I can sometimes do that helps me keep going. It’s healthy physically, mentally, and emotionally. Along with limited edition calendars each image is also now available as a larger limited edition of 4 print and as an NFT.
Being aware of all that goes on in the world (more than what MSM tells you) does not make life any easier. In some ways, it’s easier because things make more sense. In other ways, it can make life more difficult to deal with because knowledge is power and as we all know with power comes responsibility. So though it’s was a tough year last year and this year continues to be so I can’t in good conscience not share what I continue to learn that doesn’t fit the main publicised narrative. Until I can bring you Four Seasons 2022 may you stay as safe and sane as you can in this increasingly insane world.
It feels good to have a goal to work towards to have 52 beautiful photographs ready for you within the next 4 months.
For fans of my Marshmallow Farmer Calendars don’t worry, I’ll find time to bring you another one for next year 🙂