Voting closes shortly, thank you for all your support. If you viewed, shared, voted for either or both of my short films thank you. Creating them was an adventure, a difficult yet rewarding one. Being able to share them with you is special. If you haven’t viewed, shared, voted yet it’s not to late, but voting is about to end. Vote for “Elise’s Blanket” in the Australian Open Category and “Identity (Who am I?)” in the Australian Documentary category.
Some of the comments received include:
This is a remarkable young man who has overcome so much adversity to speak clarity and vision to our people. – Ginny
For Identity (Who Am I?):
Don Balmer from Wendouree Australia posted on 18 Aug 2023 10:56:09 AM
Wow Neville Clear and straight to the point. Wonderful work.
john duthie from sefton park Australia posted on 18 Aug 2023 9:25:58 AM
Honest and hard-hitting about the truth of living with a disability and being a father when the mother behaves poorly
Rob Moore from Bairnsdale Australia posted on 18 Aug 2023 9:25:47 AM
Nev is my friend and a messenger from the creator who came along just in time to stop me losing my identity and my mind and my life due to ageingEveryone Listen to this prophet.Thanks Nev
Bob Rushton from Newlands Arm Australia posted on 18 Aug 2023 9:02:32 AM
Everyone should hear this message from you Neville it is extremely powerful and meaningful thank you
Ross Freiberg from Paynesville Australia posted on 16 Aug 2023 9:35:22 AM
Thanks for sharing your story Neville. A very impactful piece thanks Ross
For Elise’s Blanket:
Jodi Duguid from Seaford Australia posted on 18 Aug 2023 6:08:43 PM
Very creative.Well Done. Best of luck.
Don Balmer from Wendouree Australia posted on 18 Aug 2023 10:49:16 AM
Well done Neville. More great creative work.
john duthie from Sefton Park Australia posted on 18 Aug 2023 9:22:38 AM
Great work Neville. All the best with the results
Bob Rushton from Newlands Arm Australia posted on 18 Aug 2023 8:46:27 AM
Great Nev
Ross Freiberg from Paynesville Australia posted on 17 Aug 2023 10:32:02 AM
Thanks for this Neville very thought provoking entertaining and well put together. All the best with your entry Ross.

The end of voting will also mean the delisting of the limited edition merchandise I created to celebrate my first two short films being accepted as finalists in the Focus On Ability short film festival. Place your last minute orders now.

If you want to meet some of the talent behind some of the other films in this years competition you will need to rsvp quickly. If you would like to see me at any of these events I’m open to sponsorship opportunities.

Thank you for appreciating the time and effort that went into creating both these short films. Creating one this year would have been difficult enough. To take on both at the same time while in so much pain was even more challenging. Don’t let circumstances in life prevent you from doing your best.