written by special guest blogger Gina Zee
Howdy y’all. My name is Gina from Messtaken Identity. I am so happy to be here today.
Thank you Neville for the honor of visiting you and your friends and offering me the opportunity to share something I hold dear to my heart. Having a subject other than upcycling to write about is refreshing.
I have a son who draws on everything he gets his hands on. Here are a couple of my favorite pictures he has recently created.
I work hard at any art that I create. I scour the internet for technique videos and take classes in order to learn ways to play creatively. My son, on the other hand, is naturally an artist. Since he was two we have been treated to drawings of whales, undersea scenes and many other creatures. Most kids begin with crayons. Not my kid, he wanted gel pens and was making detailed pictures. There was a time when he drew up the side of the paper. The images were in the right perspective when looking at them from the side. That was a very strange experience for me. Now that he is a little older and continues to draw, I try to encourage him in every way. Recently, he entered a contest for young artists. It broke my heart to see him lose to someone who admitted printing his entry from the internet.
I know I sound like a proud protective mama, but what better way to send my kid off into the world than with experiences good and bad? I hope you have been encouraged in things that make your soul sing. What would you pursue if you just had the encouragement to try something? Let us know here and come over to visit me at Messtaken Identity. I can also be found on Instagram and Twitter.
Thank you Neville, for inviting me and I am so glad to meet your friends.
a note from Neville Hiatt
I met Gina while taking one of Creative Live’s classes. This wonderful institution will probably get a blog post of it’s own in the weeks ahead, but I wanted to thank Gina for not only kicking off the first of what will be a weekly feature but also being an encouraging friend in my own creative journey.
If you want to share your drawing or colouring talents with me enter here for your chance to win a very unique prize.
What a treat to be your first guest. I wish you the best. It is wonderful to be your friend.
What a beautiful site Neville and what wonderful post Gina. I have seen some of the stuff that your son creates and he is definitely one amazing artist. I look forward to seeing more of his stuff through you!
Thankyou Beth, Make sure you check back for this weeks what inspires me wednesday post ….
Thank you Beth.
Both Gina and her son are talented! They have skills.
Aww how sweet Debra. Thank you.
Gina, I love how you are encouraging him.
The rewards are definitely worth it. Thank you Melissa.